The conservative ideology underlying the decisions of the Roberts court can be summed up in the title of Prof. Adam Winkler's post on Huffpo: Corporations are People and They Have More Rights Than You.
In my first day of property law, the professor gave us a hypothetical that ran something like this: "Jane works at a widget factory. After a day's work she tenders to her employer the fair value of raw materials and the rent for the use of the space and tools. Then she collects all the widgets that she made that day and takes them with her. Does anyone see a problem with that?" Of course, hands shot up saying that she was stealing, but the professor pointed out that she paid for everything that she used. It's only when you start out with the assumption that the owners of capital deserve all of the return that they can get that you have a problem. And that is the basic assumption of the majority of the Roberts court and the Republican Party.