The “centrists” are criticizing our candidates for promoting “open borders” but the real problem is employers, like Trump Industries and agribusiness, who break the law by hiring non-citizens without work permits, knowing that they can exploit more easily than workers who can organize and vote. Republicans know full well that our economy is dependent on a large undocumented work force. That is why they are all in favor of a guest worker program so that their donors can more lawfully exploit foreign labor without adding new citizens who might vote them out of power.
Democrats need to propose immigration reform that would give work permits to undocumented immigrants who come forward and apply for citizenship or apply for asylum, and throw the book at illegal employers instead of harassing their employees and just slapping the employers on the wrists. If we dry up the demand for illegal employees, we will dry up undocumented immigration. And when all employees are above board, they won't be easy prey for employers who steal their wages or abuse them.
Without the lure of illegal employment, “open borders” is just a recipe for more tourists.